
Tesosterone Optimization in austin, tx

Testosterone management made easy

Are you concerned about:

Low Energy

Prolonged, continuous fatigue is not normal at any age and can have a significant effect on your work performance, health, and your attitude

Declining Sex Drive

If your testosterone levels fall below the normal range, you may experience a decrease in libido. Here's the good news: This is a temporary condition that we can easily treat and reverse.

Erectile Dysfunction

Low-t can cause erectile dysfunction in men, making your most intimate moments frustrating..

Muscle Loss

Testosterone is key for building muscle, so when testosterone levels dip, you can lose muscle mass. Because of low testosterone, it’s easier for men to gain fat

Low Concentration

Testosterone has a significant effect on your physiological processes, including focus, clarity, and memory. Low T may give you trouble concentrating.

Mood Issues

Low testosterone can cause mood swings. Additionally, one study shows that men with depression are more likely to have low testosterone.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for a range of functions important for a man’s overall quality of life. Testosterone naturally decreases as a man gets older, but that does not mean that you have to accept the decrease in testosterone and all the symptoms that come with it!

Treating Andropause, or “Low T”, is a relatively easy process that involves checking your testosterone levels with a blood test, and then replacing testosterone through an injection or insertion of a pellet.

Customized Testosterone treatment

Pellet vs. Injection

For men, traditional testosterone replacement is done through injections, skin patches, gels, and mouth patches.

The shortcoming of some of these delivery methods is consistency in the amount of hormone available to the body. Plus, oral delivery methods involve the digestive system and liver, which can lead to side effects and inconsistent levels of hormone delivery. We have chosen both injections and BioTE pellets as the most consistent way to deliver testosterone. Don’t worry-giving yourself an injection is much easier than it seems!

In the case of INJECTIONS these are easy once weekly shots that you give yourself at home. If PELLET insertion is right for you, after we place the tiny pellet under the skin that will slowly release a steady dose of testosterone over a period of 4-5 months.

how much does testosterone cost?

  • Initial consultation with planning and lab draw: $125 one-time fee

  • Follow up visit: $75 + $40 lab draw if needed

  • Testosterone Injections: $75 per month

  • Testosterone Pellets: $350 per pellet

**While we do not bill insurance, we will provide diagnosis codes that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

  • The only way to be sure if you are a candidate for testosterone therapy is to have your blood tested. A testosterone blood test will reveal if you have low testosterone, also known as “Low-T,” and therefore qualify for testosterone therapy.

  • We require blood work after the first 8 weeks of treatment, 6 months after that then once yearly thereafter. The 8-week labs are very important to determine how you are responding to the medication and to assess if any changes need to be made.

  • There is no definite answer. Typically, in the first month of therapy our patients start to notice a difference. Examples would be weight loss, better sleep, increased muscle definition, sharper concentration, increased libido, etc.

  • One of the main side effects of TRT is testicular atrophy. This is a usual response because when you give your body testosterone from the outside, then it adjusts and your testicles will not need to produce as much. We do have ways to mitigate testicular atrophy, such as giving HCG (Human Chronic Gonadotropin) in conjunction with TRT.

    Many men wonder if testicular size will return to normal afterwards. In most cases, the answer is yes, however this is not 100% guaranteed.

  • Yes. In most cases your testosterone levels will return to the levels that you had prior to TRT.

  • Yes!

    Compounding pharmacies are important to supply medications to patients when the company brand runs in short supply. They are highly regulated and use the exact same ingredients as in the branded testosterone, thereby giving it the same safety parameters. We use highly reputable compounded pharmacies locally here in Austin.

Interested in testosterone optimization in austin, tx

Contact Maui MedSpa Today

Book an initial consultation at one of our two locations today by clicking the button below!

Have questions? You can also give us a call at (737) 240-2212 for Avery Ranch or (512) 429-3681 for Downtown Austin.

We look forward to hearing from you!