Sculptra for Hip Dips: A Non-Surgical Solution to Enhance Your Body Shape
Recently, “Hip Dips” have become popular topic, with celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kendal Jenner showing off non-surgical enhancements of this area. Thousands of people search the term “hip dips”, “exercises for hip dips”, “surgery for hip dips” and many more variations. This term is referring to a dip on the upper outer hip, right below where a bikini hip strap falls. Hip dips are a totally natural part of every person’s body, and the only difference is the degree to which it is noticeable.
Even though these are normal, many women find them undesirable as they prefer a more curvy, hourglass look. A quick look at social media and celebrity news will reveal full, rounded hip and backsides as the more in style appearance. So how do some models, who have lower amounts of body fat, seem to defy logic and maintain full rounded hips? The answer is they are turning to non-surgical cosmetic procedures to achieve this in-style look.
Sculptra hip injections are a minimally invasive procedure that results in long lasting, natural looking volumization of the hip dips. You may have heard of Sculptra being used for facial cosmetics, but you may not know this same product can be used to add hourglass volume to what were previously narrow and flat hips.
If you have looked in the mirror and wondered why you have hip dips and others don’t, you are not alone. Let’s talk about what hip dips actually are, and why some people have them more pronounced than others.
Hip dips are indents on the outside region of the hips between the top part of the of the hipbone (iliac crest) and a lower bony point known as greater trochanter, and are made prominent by the anatomy of the pelvic bones. If you look at a diagram of a pelvic bones you will see that there is a space between the top bone (iliac crest) and the bottom bones (the greater trochanter). Your hip dip size is determined by how big this space is. If you naturally have a large distance between these two bones, then that is a larger area for the muscles to make a concave (dip) area.
Anatomically, this concave dip is an area filled with muscles, and connective tissue that keeps you leg and pelvis stable while walking. The “Glutes” are a combination of three separate muscles; the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. It is the medius and minimus that play the biggest role in the shape of your hip dips. Another muscle called the Tensor Fascia Latae lays on top and is the most outside muscle of the dip.
Generally speaking, if you have more spaced out hip bones, then the underlying muscles will be spread out giving a larger dip, whereas if you have a more compact hip bones, then these muscles will overlap and stack on top of each other, giving a more rounded lower hip. Another very important aspect determining the size of the dip is the amount of fat you have in this area. Since the number of fat cells and the distribution of fat is determined by your genetics, and set in place early in life, there is very little ability to change this without a surgical fat transplant.
The bottom-line takeaway is that hip dips are determined by genetics-so thank (or blame) your parents!
If you are someone who would like to minimize hip dips, you have several options.
The first and most accessible way is to bulk up the gluteus muscle groups and the tensor fascia latae through specific exercise. Many bloggers in the Austin area have tutorials and picture guides on how to build out these muscles. Examples of these include squats, fire-hydrants, clam shells and lateral leg lifts.
Gaining weight will also add volume to your hips, but this will only work if you naturally carry fat in that area already. Contrary to what many Austin based blog posts and YouTube fitness tutorials might have you believe, there is no way to add volume to the hip dip without adding volume everywhere else, so if you do gain weight, expect it to increase everywhere else as well.
So what is a reliable, non-surgical approach to selectively add volume to the hip dips? The answer is Sculptra, a tissue volumizer that has been used since the 1970’s for medical purposes, and in the past 15yrs for cosmetic purposes.
Sculptra is an injectable solution that consists of a biocompatible, absorbable, and biodegradable polymer known as poly-L-lactic acid, or PLLA for short. It is not the same thing as regular filler; rather than directly adding volume through the filler compound itself, PLLA brings about the production of collagen in the body also known as neocollagenesis by causing a foreign body reaction. This reaction stimulates fibroblasts, which are the connective tissue cells responsible for the synthesis and remodeling of collagen.
Collagen is a prominent protein that supports the structure of the body. As we get older, the natural levels of collagen in the body decrease – this is the primary reason for loss of skin tone over time. Restoring and replacing collagen in the body can make areas like the hip dips, temples and back of hands more plump and youthful.
Because of its promotion of collagen and connective tissue support, PLLA is also often used for wound healing and dermatological treatment methods. It can add volume to the face in cases of facial lipoatrophy, which befalls HIV-positive patients. Sculptra filler is commonly applied to correct pre-jowl sulcus, hollow cheeks and temples, marionette lines, infraorbital regions, nasolabial folds, and other fine lines and wrinkles.
While initially used mainly in facial rejuvenation, Sculptra is nowadays also often used to boost volume in the buttocks, decolletage, arms, hips, and knees. This makes it ideal to round out hip dips and achieve ideal body contours. Once volume restoration is achieved, the body simply reabsorbs PLLA by breaking it down to water and carbon particles.
As previously mentioned, hip dips occur due to lack of volume in the outside region of the hips as a result of your genetically determined hip anatomy. Some exercises can help by bulking up the gluteal muscle group, but the distribution of fat, and the way fat is stored, is outside of your control. This is where Sculptra filler injections in Austin can help by adding volume in this pinpoint area.
When Sculptra is placed in a hip dip, it settles similar to sand settling in cracks (it fills in the hollow areas). These microscopic PLLA particles then stimulate Type I Collagen to form in a web-like matrix around them. When this matrix forms, it keeps the PLLA “sand particles” exactly in place so that they don’t move. Now that they are glued into your hip dips, they now cause this area to act like a collagen factory, growing in size over time. Because poly-L-lactic acid takes a long time to break down, this hip volume is present for several years!
An important fact to keep in mind is that volume in the hips is slow to appear, and slow to disappear. It may take 2-4 months for you to start noticing the hip dip filling out, however this is actually a positive thing. As the volume grows, it naturally falls into areas that need it most, and is smoothed out through natural movements such as walking and sitting. This is a much preferred alternative to quick filling with hyaluronic acid.
It is important to know that Sculptra is not the only solution to hip dips. There are surgical options, such as the Brazilian Butt Lift or, more simply, a fat transfer surgery. This surgery is invasive and requires going to sleep with anesthesia. It is performed by using liposuction to remove fat from around the flanks, arms and other areas, and transferring this fat to the hips and buttocks. The BBL may be a favorable option for some, particularly if you are looking for large volume transfers.
The number of vials of Sculptra you need depends on how much volume you want to create. A person with a curvy frame will naturally need more vials than a person with a thin frame. In general, you will want 10 to 25 vials to adequately volumize the hip dip. The cost of Sculptra hip injections in Austin is $4,000 per 10 vials. Typically, ten vials will be injected in one session, with five vials per side.
Some patients patients with a smaller frame may only need 5-10 vials, while some patients hoping for a more curvy contour may need 30 vials. Our injectors are experts at analyzing each person’s unique anatomy and providing realistic expectations. While every person responds different to Sculptra, each person does respond, and that is why it is important to schedule your consultation with an injector that has experience to provide you with informed options.
There is no beating around the bush-body contouring comes with a price. You may find yourself purchasing gym memberships, shaping clothing or fat freezing treatments, and seeing the expense add up. If you live in Austin, you can easily find many advertisements for quick fixes to your hip dip concerns, however none are truly quick and long lasting. A long lasting solution like Sculptra does come with a price, but one that many find well worth it.
Nationwide, for facial injections, the cost of 1 vial of Sculptra is around $500 to $1000 on average. However, since so many vials are needed for hip dips, many clinics offer large package deals that significantly reduce the price. At our clinic here in Austin, TX the price of Sculptra for hip dips is $4,000 for 10 vials. We believe paying a bit extra for high-quality expertise helps ensure the best outcomes.
Truly, the best candidate for Sculptra hip dip injections is someone who can achieve their desired result with 10-30 vials of Sculptra. The next question you might ask is, “How will I know-I have only seen pictures on the internet?”
That is a great question. Truly, the best way to know if you your expectations are achievable with your anatomy is to schedule a consultation with one of our expert Sculptra injectors here (insert hyperlink). You can also send pictures of your hips, from the front, back and side views to, and we will provide you with a virtual consultation and recommendations!
Not everybody is a candidate for Sculptra injections. Allergies to ingredients in Sculptra, such as lidocaine or PLLA can place you at risk of a severe reaction. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a minor, then you would need to wait until you are past any of these stages to be a candidate. Additionally, any history of keloid formation, or a recent skin infection in the area can affect your candidacy.
Most common side effects of Sculptra hip treatment include minimal bruising around the injection area, post-procedural redness, or transient tenderness. 1% to 2% of patients have experienced nodule formation, likely due to shallow injections into the superficial dermis. On rare occasions, patients might develop an infection, which can be treated with a short course of antibiotics.
Sculptra for both face and body applications has a long track record of efficacy and longevity, both in clinical trials and experience by patients and clinicians alike. A quick online search will find many pleased patients who report they would receive Sculptra again if they had the chance. There is no other filler that boasts a 95% approval rating by patients with a longevity of 2-5yrs! The investment is absolutely worth it!
The first step is to give us a call at (737) 240-2212 or book a consultation with one of our caring expert aesthetic nurse injectors at either our north or central Austin offices. You can also email, with pictures, for an easy virtual consultation. We look forward to providing you with an expert consultation and insightful answers to all your questions. Maui Medspa is a full-service medical spa with two locations in north and central Austin, TX.