
Spider & vericose Vein Removal


Spider Veins typically appear in clusters or widely dispersed single veins.

Clusters: Clusters are easier to treat as the often have stalk that feeds into many small veins. When these are treated, the majority of the cluster will go away with one treatment. Often, a small portion of the cluster will remain and will require a second treatment.

Dispersed: Spider veins that are numerous and widely dispersed are also treated. These veins are often more numerous and require more injection sites.

Permanent: When we remove spider veins with Asclera, these are permanently removed. It is important to know that new spider veins can occur in other areas. When these appear, and new treatment is needed.

Spider vein removal in austin, tx

Spider Vein Sclerotherapy

Spider vein removal in Austin with sclerotherapy is a quick and effective way to permanently eliminate spider veins. This method involves small injections of Asclera directly into the veins, which disrupts the vein and allows the body absorb them over time. The procedure is quick, comfortable and affordable.

Different ways to remove spider veins

At Maui Medspa we use Asclera sclerotherapy, though a variety of treatments exist 

  • Asclera: Using Asclera is a quick and effective method to remove a significant number of small veins in a relatively short amount of time. Made from Polidocanol, this medicine is considered safe for use and works efficiently to disrupt the blood vessel structure.

  • Hypertonic Saline: Like Asclera, hypertonic saline is an injection that consists of a concentrated salty solution. This particular salt formulation is harmful to the inner lining of the blood vessels, effectively achieving the desired therapeutic effect.

  • Lasers: A variety of lasers exist specifically designed to effectively remove spider veins. These lasers work by carefully heating up the blood cells or the water contained within the veins to an extremely high temperature, causing the vessel to ultimately close down and removed over time.

the Benefits of Spider Vein treatments:

  • Increased confidence wearing shorts and dresses.

  • More youthful looking legs, knees and ankles.

  • Permanent removal of the specific veins.

  • Minimal downtime and easily done in a 30-minute office visit.

  • Cost effective with minimal retreatment needed.

frequently asked questions about Spider Veins

How much does spider vein sclerotherapy cost?

Asclera costs $249 per vial and the average person will need 2-3 vials for maximum effectiveness. One vial covers 3-5 clusters of veins.

how long Does ASclera take?

You can expect a session to take 15-30 minutes depending on the number of veins treated. In cases with multiple clusters covering both legs, this could take 45 minutes.

What is the aftercare?

After the injections, you will wear compression stockings for 2-3 days. This will allow the veins to be compressed which ensures the best outcome possible.

Do I need to avoid anything afterwards?

For 3 days you will need to avoid heavy exercise, hot tubs or soaking baths, and other activity that could cause swelling or re-opening of the veins.

what are side effects of Asclera?

Common side effects include bruising and mild swelling.

Do spider veins return?

No and Yes. Sclerotherapy permanently removes spider veins. Although many people are prone to forming these veins, which means that new ones will likely appear over time.

Ready to get rid of spider veins?

Schedule your Asclera treatment in austin with maui medspa

Book an Asclera appointment today by clicking the button below!

Have questions? You can also give us a call at (737) 240-2212 for Avery Ranch. We look forward to hearing from you!