Reveal Your Best Skin: 6 Steps to Improve Uneven Texture

Skin texture that is smooth and free from blemishes is an ideal at all ages. Skin texture is more than uneven skin pigment (hyper- or hypopigmentation), it is the overall compilation of roughness, wrinkles, breakouts, discoloration, scarring, or any other condition that causes less than smooth supple skin. Skin texture issues become much more common with time thereby making early preventative measures important. For all skin texture issues that do arise, we have a host of over the counter and in office, treatments to restore smoothness and youthfulness.

Causes of uneven skin texture

Uneven skin texture is often a build up dead skin cells and oil that gives the skin a rough bumpy feel and a dull look even with makeup on.

Additionally, collagen and elastin are most plentiful in the skin during the teenage years and early 20s. As we have birthdays, collagen and elastin loss slowly contribute to uneven skin texture, but luckily there are many options to slow this process down or replace what has been lost!

Oily Skin and Texture

Oily skin is caused by sebum glands producing too much oil. Sebum glands are kicked into overdrive for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is simply genetics and how you are made—other times the food we eat or our own skincare routine is the cause. Whatever the reason, oily skin is important to address as it leaves you vulnerable to a variety of skin conditions such as; acne and acne scarring, large or clogged pores, bumpy skin, or shiny skin.

Dry Skin and Texture

Dry skin is skin that has lost the ability to retain moisture—when this happens it leaves you open to flaking and peeling, cracking and splitting, dullness and dustiness or even leathery.

Dry skin can be skin that has a damaged barrier called the epidermis. Make sure you have high-quality skin care products without harsh drying ingredients and you can always incorporate moisturizer as a morning and night step as the first step in the fight against barrier breakdown.

Sun Exposure and Skin Texture Breakdown

Overexposure to the sun wreaks havoc on both the skin barrier and deeper layers. Not wearing sunscreen combined with hours of exposure to UVA & UVB rays, is a sure way to inhibit a strong epidermal barrier. With excessive sun exposure, pigment changes in the form of hyper or hypopigmentation add insult to injury!

One of our favorite daily sunscreens is the Elta MD line. It is a combination, of broad-spectrum sunscreen that feels smooth going on and easy to apply makeup over. They also have a tinted version that looks great as the only product used for the day!


01. Stay Hydrated & Moisturize

Hydration happens from the inside out! Drinking enough water, staying away from excessive alcohol consumption and high salt foods keeps water in the deeper layers of the skin. Perhaps even more important is helping the skin retain its own moisture-supple skin is impossible without H2O in the outer layers, which is why a daily moisturizer is so important.

Moisturize morning and night by choosing a moisturizer with niacinamide to reduce inflammation and hyaluronic acid which acts as a sponge to draw water into the skin.

02.  Always Wear SPF

UV light causes skin damage by disrupting the DNA in the deep dermal layers as well as direct damage to the structures in the cells. When DNA disruption happens, this is called Photoaging and is the reason why people who spent a lot of time in the sun early in life have sun spots and thinner skin later in life. Using broad-spectrum sunscreen every day (and every 2 hours when exposed to the sun) protects against texture changes that come about with early aging.

03. Try a Retinol Product

Retinol and Retinoids have been widely tested by dermatologist over the past several decades and found to consistently provide the same results-increased collagen synthesis leading the firmer, more supple skin that resists the effects of age. Incorporating a Retinol product into your skin routine will maintain healthy cellular turnover and fend off fine lines and wrinkles.

04. Exfoliate to Soften and Smooth

Sometimes simply sloughing off the build-up of dead skin cells is enough to create a noticeable difference is smoothness. Make sure to exfoliate at least twice a week (but three times max) using either a soft scrub or a chemical exfoliant targeting rough areas. Skin that is oily or has a consistent shine to it may require 3-4 gentle exfoliation sessions-however keep in mind that over-exfoliation will break down the epidermis and actually result in more oily skin!

05. Try a Chemical Peel

At home chemical exfoliation is great and we have several staff favorite over-the-counter products. But, if you want to really go for a full exfoliation and partial resurfacing, an in-office chemical peel may be right for you.

Chemical Peels in Austin performed at the office come in various strengths often referred to a mild, medium-depth, and deep peels. Medium-depth and deep peels are done by professionals as they remove much deeper than the top dead skin layer causing a resurfacing effect. The effects are great and often come with the added benefit of more even pigmentation once the peeling has healed.

06. Stimulate Collagen with Microneedling

Microneedling is a popular treatment to stimulate collagen production. By causing controlled micro-injuries, the skin is stimulated to form collagen. We recommend microneedling any time acne scars are a concern or when loss of collagen is a factor in uneven texture. If you want to level up, try adding PRP to make it a Vampire Facial!

Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about Uneven Skin Texture and you can also contact us or visit our website for more information.


How to Properly Exfoliate Your Skin and the Benefits