Method of Hormone Optimization
We are a Certified Provider of the BioTE Method of bioidentical hormone therapy. We offer patient-centric strategies to optimize hormones and extend healthspans for both women and men.
bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in austin
Hormone imbalances are common, highly impactful for the patient, and HIGHLY TREATABLE. As women go through menopause, and men go through andropause, they will experience hormonal imbalances that impact their physical, emotional, mental, general and sexual well-being. For women, menopause is a fact of life, however many women don’t realize that they do not need to suffer through so many of the symptoms. Fatigue, weight gain, and a lower sex drive and much more are readily treated with hormone therapy!
Here at Maui MedSpa we have chose to provide Hormone Replacement Therapy in Austin using the Biote Method. As the largest provider of Hormone Replacement in the country, and with clinical studies at every turn, the Biote Method has been trusted by thousands of clinicians and patients over the years.
Our goal is full optimization, not just returning your hormones back to “normal”. Dr. Winston A. Turnage works with men and women to identify the right mix of hormones for their needs, to track their results, and to help them achieve performance in the upper levels of what is possible. The goal for every patient is living life feeling the best that you absolutely can.
Contact us today for a free consultation or visit us in our North Austin clinic.
Age Healthier.
Live Happier.
For men, testosterone can be low at any time in life. Replacing testosterone to optimal levels dramatically improves energy, mood, focus, exercise conditioning and libido.
Thyroid Hormone is a major driver of metabolic function, energy and vital organ function. When the thyroid is now working right-you are not working right. We use NP Thyroid as part of the Biote Method so your WHOLE body is functioning at its’ best.
For women, testosterone levels can be low even in the early 30’s before pre-menopause. This hormone is important for sex drive and energy.
Estrogen levels start to decline in the pre-menopause years and continue to decline until plateauing post-menopause. By replacing Estradiol, many of the symptoms of menopause go away or are greatly reduced.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring a natural balance to your hormones with the goal of relieving symptoms and restoring health to all areas of your life. By using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces, your body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.
Bio-Identical hormones are exactly like natural hormones.
Bio-identical hormones are quick to place.
Bio-identical hormones prevent disease and restore normal function.

How Biote Works for women
Estrogen, Testosterone and Progesterone (the BIG 3) are the sex hormones that profoundly influence a woman’s health. Women’s ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, while the adrenal glands produce a small amount of testosterone.
As we age, estrogen and testosterone production drops off. These hormones are important for brain, heart, lung, musculoskeletal and sexual function both to prevent disease, but also feel your best.
BioTE is part of the first category of treatments. BioTE pellets are about the size of a grain of rice, made from modified plant materials, and placed beneath the skin of the hip about three times a year.
As the BioTE pellet dissolves, it provides a predictable and regular release of the estrogen and testosterone that the patient needs. Unlike creams and pills which are taken daily, pellet therapy allows our busy patients to live their balanced lives stopping by for treatment only every 4 months.
Our Austin patients often want to know how long it will be until they notice a difference following the initial pellet placement. For some women, it will be four weeks, while other women will start to notice a change within one week. Change may start subtly and as a patient reaches optimal levels, she should recognize an overall improvement in the way she feels physically, mentally and emotionally.
Exploring hormone therapy? what to expect-
Biote Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is customized for each patient. We will begin with an in-depth interview and physical exam, followed by labwork. This allows us to hone-in on which hormones (or lack of hormones) are causing the most problems.
Once your horomone levels have been matched with your symptoms, we calculate a replacement plan that usually includes estrogen (W), progesterone (W), testosterone and thyroid replacement.
For the hormones that come in pellet form, these are about the size of a large grain of rice and are easily placed under the skin around the hip area. (For hormones that do not come in pellet form, these are delivered to you as small tablets). Once placed under the skin, the pellets dissolve steadily over a 3-4 month period, during which time you receive a constant replacement of the missing hormones.
Labs are drawn before you start therapy and then two weeks prior to each pelleting session-so about three times per year. For each pelleting session we adjust the dosing based on the labs so that your hormones are fine-tuned each and every time.
What to Expect with hormone pellet insertion?
Our patients can often receive their first dose of BioTE as part of the lab review appointment (one week after initial consultation). Having a pellet placed is a simple and non-invasive 3 minute process:
Patients can remain clothed during the procedure.
A small area of the hip is sterilized and numbed with lidocaine.
The tiny Biote pellet is inserted just beneath the skin.
Women who receive BioTE will wear a steri-strip for about three days. Restrictions following BioTE pellet placement include not soaking in water and no gluteal exercises for three days, otherwise you can go about your normal life.
For women, about 4 months. For men, about 4-5 months. If you are consistent with intensive exercise, this time can be reduced by a few weeks.
For three days after the pellet procedure, you should avoid soaking in hot tubs or baths, heavy gluteal exercises like running, sit-ups or lifting weights.
HRT is very safe long term, and many patients love it enough to stay on for years or decades. However, there are reasons to discontinue, and your provider can always make an effective plan for discontinuing.
The cost can vary depending on the type of medications used per patient. However, we have made this guide to give a .
Initial Consultation: Complimentary.
Initial Labwork: $125
Hormone Pellet Insertion: $350 for Women (4 months), $675 for Men (5 months)
Follow Up Pre-Pellet Labwork: $45
In general, women will need 1-4 pellets and men will need 6-12 pellets. This is calculated based on lab work received within two weeks of the pellet procedure.
Interested in the Biote Hormone replacement method?
Book an initial HRT consultation in Austin at our Cedar Park location today!
Have questions? You can also give us a text or call at (737) 240-2212.
We look forward to hearing from you!